This value gives team members access to a great deal of visibility into what is going on throughout the organization. However, it does not negate the need to invite employees to ask questions. Onboarding is an investment in the long-term success of new hires and in the company as well.

By taking advantage of these tools, you can make the onboarding process smoother and more efficient. This will help them become even more successful in their role and feel like they’re truly part of the team. This could be anything from hitting their monthly sales target to completing their training program.

Hiring tutorials

When employees are engaged, they go above and beyond to achieve revenue targets. Plus, it leads to things such as high productivity and reduced employee turnover. In this process, learners receive instruction face to face but from the comfort of their homes. Also, ensure that there is IT support on hand if the new employee encounters any problems.

How do I create a remote onboarding?

  1. Start early.
  2. Get employees online ASAP.
  3. Provide a digital employee handbook and company culture.
  4. Create a sense of belonging.
  5. Provide an individualized remote onboarding plan with video check-ins and goals.

To give you a head start, check out Freshteam, a modernized HR software that can help you hire, onboard, and manage your employees. With this sensitivity in mind, create a plan to leverage a variety of strategies that can mitigate first-day nerves and allow your employees to feel welcome and gain confidence from the start. These remote onboarding processes have eased the transition of joining a new team and feeling like you have support and camaraderie, all from your home office with a sleeping 2-year-old in the other room. Employees are twice as likely to seek out another job if they have a bad onboarding experience, so starting out on the right foot saves your company time, money, and having to retrain new hires frequently.

Test IT systems before the first day

Use e-signature tools to enable employees to sign all necessary documents from the comfort of their homes. Extra time should be given, especially during the first week of onboarding, because employees are unfamiliar with a new company’s processes. When remote employees can’t physically see you and there are no shared workspaces, it can erode trust over time.

  • As your business grows, it might be a good idea to consider tools to help during this process.
  • Create the space for your new colleagues to ask about the way things are done as well.
  • By implementing these processes, you provide new hires with the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about your company.
  • Put in requisitions for the company-issued laptop, phone or other required office equipment in advance, so your new remote employee has what they need technologically to get down to work quickly.
  • To give you a head start, check out Freshteam, a modernized HR software that can help you hire, onboard, and manage your employees.

On top of that, they don’t have the opportunity to stop by your desk and ask questions. All these things can make a new hire feel overburdened with new information. With a bit of extra structure, it becomes easier for new hires to understand and learn all the information. A training program can be beneficial for improving interactions among team members.

Creative Ideas To Make New Employee Orientation A Success

Onboarding new employees, both in the office and remotely, entails a specific list of requirements. The onboarding process must cover a lot, from administrative areas, such as payroll forms, to computer setup, personal introductions and first assignments. Remote onboarding is onboarding that is conducted entirely through technology instead of in person. Your new remote employees will have an unforgettable onboarding experience in a space they look forward to logging into every day. One of the challenges of remote work is feeling like you’re part of the team.

Onboarding remote employees is a bigger challenge compared to traditional onboarding due to the lack of physical presence and face-to-face communication. Have this information available, but make sure they know it’s not required for them to take a look before their first day if they choose not to. Onboarding new employees effectively has long been a struggle for employers. In fact, research from Gallup found only 12% of employees strongly agree their organization did a great job onboarding new employees. And that was before hybrid and remote work came to the forefront of the business world.

Encourage a supportive team culture

By your new hire’s second day, they should feel more settled in and ready to start the real work. This is a good opportunity to align on expectations and set the groundwork for a strong working relationship. The average onboarding experience has 54 activities, including 41 administrative tasks. Ensure that new employees feel positive, and show them that they are on your mind. This promotes enthusiasm and good vibes among new hires and inspires them to give their best right from the start. These may be as short as 15minutes every other day, but these 15minutes allow you to clarify any unanswered questions and concerns.

What to expect for remote onboarding?

We can think of the remote onboarding process is four distinct phases: There is preparing to onboard, welcoming the new employee, educating them on their role, the company, and culture, and then helping them transition over an extended period (with various check-ins, reviews, projects, etc.).

It’s important to get feedback and input from each new hire throughout the onboarding process, whether they are working in a remote environment, or in the office. Their thoughts, experiences and ideas can provide valuable insight into whether your onboarding program is effective or whether there are any areas that can be improved upon. Many organizations struggle to achieve workplace readiness for new hires and teams.

Even though a well-structured onboarding process is crucial to employee retention, employers are also advised to keep things simple and not overwhelm their new hires. To achieve such a balance, try to include a combination of essential training and more informal, ‘get-to-know-you’ meetings during an employee’s first few weeks on the job. This will give them time to learn more about your company, liaise with key personnel, and acclimatize to their new role. Maintaining an effective onboarding strategy has always been critical, and this is especially true with remote employee onboarding.

  • That’s why it is typically a good idea to ask new employees how comfortable they are with meeting and chat tools such as Google Hangouts, Zoom, Slack, etc. – before their first day.
  • But it’s more critical and complex for remote workers whose first day occurs at home.
  • Companies that invest in onboarding report 54% more productivity from new hires.
  • Remote workers do not have the luxury of being shoulder-to-shoulder with a veteran employee to ask quick questions or get in-the-moment guidance.

These buddies will serve as their contact person in case they have any concerns or questions during onboarding. Likewise, these buddies will be responsible for checking in on them and connecting them with the rest of the team. “Resources are given to our managers before and after their new hire starts, addressing topics such as resiliency and adapting to change in order to support them as they adjust to leading remote teams.” All of that is likely disrupted if your company has recently moved to a work-from-home or hybrid model, which means you need to focus on creating a positive remote onboarding experience — and fast.

Conversely, a negative onboarding experience promotes disengagement in the workplace and leads to an increase in staff turnover and additional hiring expenses. This has a domino effect impacting every other team member, seriously affecting your company’s culture and ultimately, your total revenue. Based on information from Clear Company research, organizations that offer employee training programs show 34% higher retention rates.

  • It accelerates the onboarding process by eliminating the need for hiring expensive trainers, physical classrooms, and printed materials.
  • The exchange might alleviate some stress for an employee still settling into their role and, in the process, demonstrate a supportive company culture.
  • Curbing some of the isolation is worth doing when onboarding remote employees.
  • Other tools to consider are video conferencing tools, e-signing tools, applicant tracking systems, helpdesk software, and more.
  • For shortlisted candidates, it is also a good idea to arrange more calls for them to talk to more of your teammates so both you and the candidates can understand better whether there is a cultural fit.
  • It helps managers initiate frequent check-ins and supports manager-employee trust, creating a sense of community early on.
  • Set up virtual happy hours or introductions to other departments, especially if the new hire will remain remote.
  • Some are in a disadvantaged position, while some might find remote work in their favor.